Addressing Facility Needs, Enhancing Safety, and Expanding Learning Opportunities for Floresville ISD Students and the Community.




    • Reinforce Campus Safety Measures

    • Additional Security Cameras

    • Fire Alarm System Replacements

    • New Safety Communications Systems

    • New Walk Bridge at FMS

    • Visitor Entry Improvements at FHS

    • Additional Fencing

    • HVAC Replacements

    • Roofing Investments

    • Other Critical Infrastructure Projects


  • New 120,000 sq ft campus with a capacity for 1,000 students in grades 5 and 6, alleviating capacity constraints at the elementary and middle schools, with the opportunity for a future expansion to a middle school.


    • New Career and technical Education (CTE) Classrooms at FMS

    • Career and Technical Education (CTE) Improvements at FHS

    • Weight Room Expansion at FMS


Upcoming Community Meetings

March 18

6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Floresville Middle School Cafeteria

April 3

6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Floresville North Elementary Cafeteria

April 15

6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Floresville Middle School Cafeteria

Expansion of Career and Technical Education Programs:

The bond will fund the development and expansion of CTE programs, providing students with industry-aligned skills and hands-on learning opportunities to prepare for future careers.

Enhancing Safety and Security Across All Campuses

Floresville ISD is prioritizing safety, security, and critical infrastructure improvements to support a secure learning environment for students and staff.

Addressing Capacity to Support Enrollment Growth

Floresville ISD’s student population continues to grow, and some campuses are approaching or exceeding capacity. The bond proposal includes a new intermediate school and targeted facility expansions to alleviate overcrowding.

Addressing Campus Capacity and Enrollment

Floresville ISD is experiencing enrollment growth, with several campuses reaching capacity. The proposed bond includes a new Intermediate Campus to help alleviate overcrowding at the elementary and middle school levels.

Current Campus Enrollment vs. Capacity:

  • Floresville North Elementary – 792 students (Capacity: 872)

  • Floresville South Elementary – 936 students (Capacity: 937)

  • Floresville Middle School – 857 students (Capacity: 985)

The new Intermediate Campus would serve 5th and 6th grade students, helping to balance enrollment across the district and accommodate future growth.

A Collaborative, Community-Driven Planning Process

Floresville ISD’s bond planning has been a two-year effort with extensive community input and strategic evaluation of district resources. 175 teachers, parents, students, and community members participated in 14 meetings to shape the 2025 bond.

  • 2022: Developed Strategic Plan 2.0, focusing on resource management.

  • 2023: Created a long-range facility plan to align with district and community priorities.

  • April 2024: Board adopted the Master Facility Plan.

  • Fall 2024: A 54-member Facility Task Force reviewed and prioritized facility improvements over four meetings.

The task force:

  • Assessed facility conditions

  • Provided feedback on potential projects

  • Prioritized projects and budgets

  • Presented a recommendation to the School Board

In January 2025, the Facility Task Force submitted its final recommendation, ensuring the proposed bond reflects the priorities of the Floresville ISD community.







Homestead Exemptions

Homeowners 65 years or older can apply for an “Age 65 or Older Exemption” on their Homestead and have their property taxes frozen and not experience a property tax increase as a result of this bond proposition.

FISD is committed to the development of innovative, life-long learners who possess character traits to achieve personal and professional success.