The $95 million bond program for Floresville ISD focuses on facility improvements, safety and security enhancements, and expanding learning spaces to support students and staff.
What’s Included?
Addressing Campus Capacity and Enrollment
Floresville ISD is experiencing enrollment growth, with several campuses reaching capacity. The proposed bond includes a new Intermediate Campus to help alleviate overcrowding at the elementary and middle school levels.
Current Campus Enrollment vs. Capacity:
Floresville North Elementary – 792 students (Capacity: 872)
Floresville South Elementary – 936 students (Capacity: 937)
Floresville Middle School – 857 students (Capacity: 985)
The new Intermediate Campus would serve 5th and 6th grade students, helping to balance enrollment across the district and accommodate future growth.
Reinforce Campus Safety Measures
Additional Security Cameras
Fire Alarm System Replacements
New Safety Communications Systems
New Walk Bridge at FMS
Visitor Entry Improvements at FHS
Additional Fencing
HVAC Replacements
Roofing Investments
Other Critical Infrastructure Projects
New 120,000 sq ft campus with a capacity for 1,000 students in grades 5 and 6, alleviating capacity constraints at the elementary and middle schools, with the opportunity for a future expansion to a middle school.
New Career and technical Education (CTE) Classrooms at FMS
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Improvements at FHS
Weight Room Expansion at FMS